Link+ Archive News
May 13, 2022

U.S. Customs sets up pilot project on digital export documents for used vehicles

Importing used vehicles into Canada from the United States can be a complicated process even before the cars or trucks reach the Canadian Border as U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has to verify every vehicle’s documents prior to exportation.

This export system was implemented many years ago to prevent export of stolen vehicles. Officers also have to check the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) to determine whether the vehicle has been reported stolen.

The required documentation describing the vehicle and the vehicle must be presented to CBP at least 72 hours prior to export, and in the case of a vehicle being exported at a land border crossing (by rail, highway, or under its own power), the required documentation must be submitted at least 72 hours prior to export, and the vehicle must be presented at the time of export.

There may be a little light at the end of this tunnel as CBP is launching a pilot project for the required documentation to be submitted electronically (through the Document Imaging System).

CBP is implementing this voluntary Document Imaging System (DIS) pilot in order to expedite and modernize the document submission and review process.

During Fiscal Years 2018-2020, there was an annual average of 1.4 million, used self-propelled vehicles exported from the United States. Under the current regulatory export procedures, the person who is attempting to export a used self-propelled vehicle must present to CBP both the vehicle and specified paper documents.

This paper process is a drain on limited CBP staffing resources at ports with significant traffic because it requires CBP to devote numerous hours to review vehicle export paperwork.

The results of the pilot will help CBP analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of using the DIS or some other method to collect export documentation for used self-propelled vehicles. When sufficient analysis and evaluation have been conducted, CBP will decide whether to require electronic submission of ownership documentation using the DIS or some other method.

The pilot will run for approximately two years.

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