Customs administrative penalties can be assessed for several reasons
A section of the Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) website outlines the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS).
According to the Agency, the purpose of AMPS is to deter non-compliance by its clients and create a level playing field for all Canadian businesses.
Non-compliance with CBSA requirements may result in being assessed a monetary penalty under AMPS.
Examples of non-compliance that most often result in AMPS penalties:
• Failure to pay duties;
• Failure to provide required information to the CBSA;
• Unauthorized removal of goods from a warehouse;
• Direct delivery of goods prior to release from CBSA control;
• Failure to report goods to the CBSA;
• Failure to self-correct an incorrect declaration.
For additional information and the full list of penalties see: Administrative Monetary Penalty System